Driving Digital Transformation in your Patient Pathways

Retina | Glaucoma | Cataract

Programme Synopsis

Do you want to increase efficiency, embrace virtual clinics and go paperless in your patient pathways?

Dive into our series of 1-hour on-demand lectures that promise to inspire your approach to data-driven healthcare management – with dedicated sessions for Glaucoma, Retina and Cataract.

Each talk features an insightful speech from Chief Clinical Information Officer David Haider (pictured), as he shares his journey to achieving a fully-connected architecture at Royal Bolton Hospital. From planning considerations, pre-requisites and potential pitfalls, to de-mystifying DICOM compatibility and invaluable lessons learned to avoid project delays – this masterclass is an essential watch for anyone who’s building a business case for a fully-connected patient workflow in their clinic.

You’ll then see the benefits brought to life for each specialty, with dedicated workflow demonstrations and case studies specific to Glaucoma, Retina and Cataract patient pathways.

Choose your specialty below and learn how we can shape the future of your patient pathways together:

Recorded at 100% Ophthalmology, London, 26th February 2024

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