Scanning probe for highly precise measurements
The ZEISS VAST XXT tactile scanning probe enables precise scanning with the ZEISS RDS articulating system and is suitable for a wide range of applications.

Flexible use for a wide range of applications
There are numerous cases where users would like to combine the flexibility of an articulating system with scanning capability. ZEISS VAST XXT is ideal for such tasks.
Compared to switching probes, ZEISS VAST XXT increases the operational reliability and accuracy of the measurements, but also expands the measurement pallet to include scanning functionality and thus provides information on the form of the features.

Compact design
The compact and lightweight design of the scanning probes on the articulating system requires different probe modules. With three modules, ZEISS VAST XXT covers the typical stylus length range for this probe design.
This sensor accepts lateral styli up to 65 millimeters It is also suitable for permanent installation.