Manage your quality data and operations
Data exchange made easy! With ZEISS CONNECTED Inspection you can share your measurement data and work collaboratively on metrology projects. It is your solution for versioning, approving and archiving of inspection plans and results. Centralize your inspection planning and work together in one place.
New dimensions of connectivity
Manage your quality data and operations

Efficient collaboration on metrology projects
Quality processes are global: Those involved must be able to test, approve and utilize inspection plans, projects and results from all over the world. With ZEISS CONNECTED Inspection, you can easily share your measurement data and work together on metrology projects. The product enables not only efficient collaboration, but also decision-making and alignment across teams or even companies.

Integrated in our application software
ZEISS CONNECTED Inspection is natively integrated in ZEISS INSPECT and, therefore, you will get the best out of it when using these two in combination. You can create your inspection plans in ZEISS INSPECT and then synchronize & manage them in ZEISS CONNECTED Inspection, including approval and rejection of results.

Make your processes transparent
Inspection plans often require adjustments. Of course, these should only be done by qualified personnel. Therefore, ZEISS CONNECTED Inspection offers a customizable roles and rights management. When used in combination with the product option Audit Trail, all changes made can be tracked. This provides transparency and gives confidence in processes and measurement results. Additionally, audit preparation will be easier.
Highlight features
Explore the workflows available with ZEISS CONNECTED Inspection

Inspection plan management
Always use the latest version of an inspection plan! Controlling and deploying standardized inspection plans across teams and locations can be very challenging due to local file copies and sharing. With ZEISS CONNECTED Inspection, you can centrally create, version, approve and release inspection plans throughout the entire company. This way, you can make sure that only reviewed and approved inspection plans will be used. Efficiently coordinate all inspection tasks: You can also centrally manage who will carry out an inspection when and where.

Global digital assembly
Find out whether parts will fit together perfectly when being assembled, regardless of where they were produced. The ideal assembly situation can be checked virtually by ZEISS INSPECT and ZEISS CONNECTED QUALITY interacting with each other. The so-called “digital twins” of the parts allow further analysis. And this feature saves time and money by identifying issues at an early stage – even before shipping.

Approving & archiving results
ZEISS CONNECTED Inspection streamlines the process for the approval of measurement results. The transparent workflow includes two approval stages, which need to be signed off by an authorized person. This ensures that all necessary checks have been completed. Moreover, all results are stored securely in accordance with industry, customer or regulatory requirements and can be easily retrieved via search functionalities.

Result Viewer
In global quality operations, fast decision making is the key to success. Therefore, the possibility to analyze measuring results immediately in a browser-based application makes the process faster and easier. The Result Viewer is available for ZEISS INSPECT projects and offers result visualization based on an intuitive, easy-to-understand color scale as well as interaction with the 3D model.