5 minutes with Dr. Klaus Weisshart & Dr. Kirstin Elgass

Dr. Klaus Weisshart
Product Manager ZEISS Microscopy

Dr. Kirstin Elgass
Application Development Engineer ZEISS Microscopy

1. Lattice Lightsheet technology has been proving itself as a powerful approach for long-term imaging of live specimens since 2014, but what makes the ZEISS Lattice Lightsheet 7 so ground-breaking for our customers?
Kirstin: ZEISS Lattice Lightsheet 7 is a turn-key system which can be operated by non-experts and can be calibrated in just minutes. Changing the sheet is also just a matter of a click - the system allows for simultaneous illumination with three sheets of different wavelengths.
Klaus: In contrast to other Lattice Lightsheet implementations, our ZEISS Lattice Lightsheet 7 is compatible with standard sample carriers (dishes, multi-well, slides), so there’s no need to adjust sample preparation from other high-resolution microscopy techniques.
Kirstin: Observation of samples is also contamination free - and with the 5-axis stage, that can also accommodate long travel ranges and oblique illumination, sample finding is greatly accelerated.
2. There are numerous Light Microscopy techniques on the market, including within the ZEISS portfolio. What does the ZEISS Lattice Lightsheet 7 enable our customers to achieve that they are unable to do using these other techniques?
Kirstin: Lattice Lightsheet is the only technology that allows you to image fluorescently labelled live cells/organisms for up to multiple days.
Klaus: It’s also the most sample-friendly method with low photobleaching and phototoxicity, making it ideal for otherwise light sensitive cells and organisms. The system allows for fast volume imaging with an outstanding signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at subcellular resolution.

Lattice light sheet microscopy overcomes the limitations of Gaussian beams (limited optical sectioning, limited field of view) and Bessel beams (strong rings, excitation of out-of-focus fluorescence) by generating long and thin light sheets to achieve subcellular resolution.
3. ZEISS offers two Lightsheet products within its portfolio. How do the two systems differ, particularly in relation to suitable applications and samples?
Klaus: Lightsheet 7 with its horizontal setup is made for live model organisms (from early embryonic stages to the adult organism), plant studies and cleared organs and organisms. It is ideal for larger specimen exceeding 100 μm in its size.
Lattice Lightsheet 7 with its inverted set up is ideal for cell culture, early embryonic stages of model organisms, thin tissues and all specimen smaller than 100 μm in size. The Lattice Lightsheet 7 also provides you the longest and thinnest light sheets, compared to Gausian beams used in Lightsheet 7 to achieve better sectioning.
There is very little overlap in regard to sample size and sample preparation.
4. How do you envisage Lattice Lightsheet technology shaping and evolving Life Sciences research and for which sample types or research areas in particular?
Lattice light sheet microscopy overcomes the limitations of Gaussian beams (limited optical sectioning, limited field of view) and Bessel beams (strong rings, excitation of out-of-focus fluorescence) by generating long and thin light sheets to achieve subcellular resolution.